Meet Our Partners
We proudly support these and other partnerships within the tree care, conservation, and outdoor industries.
North American Training Solutions (NATS) is the nation’s leading training organization serving the forestry, arboriculture, landscape, utility, and oil and gas industries.  Through training and educational programs, NATS shares knowledge, resources, and tools to increase safety and efficiency in the workplace.  NATS draws from a team of more than 40 experienced instructors from across the country who are professional arborists, foresters, loggers, fire fighters, emergency medical providers, and safety professionals. Arborwear is proud to be a Safety Alliance Partner of NATS.
Saluting Branches honors American service men and women by organizing volunteer tree and landscape care for the property dedicated to our veterans. Through united efforts, the tree care and landscape industry shows their support for our troops by helping to make their final resting places a safe and beautiful environment for all who visit. Saluting Branches can contribute an annual donation of more than 8,000 hours of tree care services in one day to veterans cemeteries throughout the U.S.  Arborwear is a proud sponsor of Saluting Branches.

ISA The International Society of Arboriculture is a worldwide professional organization dedicated to fostering a greater appreciation for trees and to promoting research, technology, and the professional practice of arboriculture. Arborwear and ISA have partnered to produce the ISA licensed apparelweb portal. ISA MEMBERS RECEIVE 10% OFF every purchase. To redeem your discount, look for the “Members Only” promo code under the ISA web site member log-in. Not a member? CLICK HERE to register. For more information on ISA education and research, CLICK HERE.
TCIA The Tree Care Industry Association is a 72-year-old public and professional resource on trees and arboriculture representing approximately 2,100 tree service and affiliated member companies. Our members recognize stringent performance standards for quality and safety. They maintain trained, professional arborists on staff and are dedicated to ethics and quality in business practices. TCIA provides tree care companies and professional arborists with safety and educational programs, meetings, publications, and guidelines for tree service operations, ANSI A300 tree care standards, and much more.
OIAÂ Founded in 1989, Outdoor Industry Association (OIA) is the premier trade association for companies in the active outdoor recreation business. OIA provides trade services for over 4000 manufacturers, distributors, suppliers, sales representatives and retailers in the outdoor industry. Outdoor Industry Association seeks to ensure a healthy and diverse specialty retail and supply chain based on quality, innovation and service. To this end, OIA works diligently to raise the standards of the industry; increase participation in outdoor recreation to strengthen business markets; provide support services to improve member profitability; represent member interests in the legislative/regulatory process; promote professional training and education; support innovation; and offer cost-saving member benefits.
Tree Fund The TREE Fund is currently the leading non-governmental source of funding for research and education programs in the field of arboriculture (the science of cultivating and managing trees in a landscape). Our mission is to identify and fund projects and programs which advance knowledge in the field of arboriculture and urban forestry to benefit people, trees and the environment. The foundation has distributed more than $6 million to date, in the form of scholarships and research grants to students and professionals in the industry.
Trees New England Trees New England is a arboricultural (tree) consulting firm specializing in tree management planning, educational workshops and presentations, with expertise in workplace safety education, company safety manual preparation, arborist safety workshops, tree inventories and management plans, and ornamental shrub and tree pruning. Beyond field work, we lead group workshops on general arboriculture skills and education, tree related software, inventory practices, plant identification, and pruning techniques.
GOTCÂ The Global Organization of Tree Climbers was formed in 2007 to be the voice of recreational, experiential, and adventure tree climbing. This democratic umbrella organization has produced guidelines for training in both DRT and SRT, as well as for conducting safe program/group climbs. Some of these guidelines have been adopted by the Association of Experiential Education as their official tree climbing standards. The GOTC’s mission includes focus areas of safety, education, outreach, and fun. By joining the GOTC as a general member, recognized facilitator or instructor member, or sponsor member, you are helping spread the awareness and practice of safe tree climbing across the US and beyond.