85-year family hunting tradition

My grandparents started hunting in a remote area in the Ottawa Valley of Quebec somewhere around 1930. My mother shot her first deer there at age 16. My husband and I started grouse hunting there in the early 1980s. My mom has taught each of us “kids” to hunt, with HER mother’s gun so you can see that the tradition runs deep and is very special. My 86-year old mom (still carrying Grandma’s shotgun) took the picture. I wore those “lucky” hunting clothes all week; never got cold or had even so much as a briar stick through the pants. The following kept running through my head…”Tree Climber pants…$60 ,Hiram Pullover…$120, Arborwear Logo ball cap… $18 , grouse hunting in Quebec with my 86-year old mother, 10-year old lab, and husband…..Priceless!! (And truth be told, we get most of our Arborwear gear at your warehouse sale, so probably spent much less).

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