Arborwear in Search and Rescue
I am an Arborist in my day job, but also am a member of Alpine Rescue Team in Evergreen, Colorado in my free time. Alpine

Stella in her Arborwear gear!
Stella loves to wear her Arborwear onesie around the house or even when she helps mom and dad out in the yard and garden. She

West Slabs
Went for a climb up the west slabs of Mt. Olympus Salt Lake City Utah on 10/11/2014. What a view, what a climb, can’t wait

Pants tougher than tree bark
These pants last longer than any others. All normal construction pants are shredded after one summer of climbing. These not only out last all other

Taking a breather on a stump
After spending about 3 hours in this 80 foot hickory I felt like taking a little breather before finishing. Thanks to my original arborwear pants

Someone’s Higher
Ben Veling, Owner of Timberwolf Tree Care in Harbor Springs, MI, and his protege Jocelyn Mahone have a friendly game of “Someone’s Higher”.

Hiking in northern California. Before I knew what happened, the pants just kinda headed up the trees.

Tatry Mountians, Poland
On Top Of Tatry Mountains in Poland, (the border between Poland and Slovakia), July 2015. Canopy Pants from Arborwear are the future in pants! Lightweight,